Monday, October 26, 2009

Identity Theft Horror Stories... and YOU

Hellish tales of terror are not only for Halloween when it comes to identity theft.

The ghosts and goblins are everywhere: They're hacking your computer, working in your doctor's office, even sifting through your trash late at night, patiently putting the pieces of information together that give them enough of you to steal your life.

But you're smart, right? You protect yourself. If that nice receptionist at your dentist's office turns out to have a shopping addiction and uses your Social Security number to get a credit card, you'll find out about it fast, right? I should certainly hope so. Because if you don't, you could end up right in the middle of one of these true horror stories:

Oh, I could go on, but you're smart. You get the point. Everyone knows that when you face a threat, you protect yourself. It's so easy to do!

The great thing about protecting yourself from identity theft, though, is that you are also protecting society. How? The earlier identity theft is picked up on, the better the chances of nabbing the crooks. The investment of 30 cents a day that you make in your own safety and that of your loved ones is also an investment in society. Think of how much better the world would be if we all made it tougher for the scumbags of the world to steal our personal information. Think of how much easier you will sleep at night while keeping the horror of identity theft at bay.

It's a no-brainer. Try it for free!

1 comment:

  1. That was a good and true story(s) most people can get a hold of your paper from the trash or just bill you put back in your mail box.


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