Saturday, September 26, 2009

How to Prevent Identity Theft from Damaging Your Marriage!

Identity theft is popular with criminals for four reasons:

1. It is an easy crime to commit
2. It is an easy crime to get away with
3. Identity theft can be lucrative
4. The economy has created a lot of desperate people who see ID theft as a "victimless crime" (which, of course, it is not)

If your identity has been stolen -- and if you are one of the lucky ones who still has a job and a credit rating to speak of, there is a good chance that it will be stolen -- it can wreak absolute havoc on your family and relationships. The financial burden is usually not yours in the end thanks to recent laws making lenders responsible, but the damage to your credit rating can persist for years. All of this stresses a marriage, domestic partnership, or engagement.

What really hurts, though, is the destruction of the most important glue in any relationship: trust.

Identity theft makes people paranoid with good reason. If charges not made by you start showing up on your credit report, dangerous lines of thinking crop up: "Did (s)he open that card and not tell me about it? Is (s)he lying to me about this? What are the odds that a random stranger did this?"

If you start thinking like that, there is only one thing to do: Cut it out! You trusted your partner enough make it this far with them. Why stop trusting them now when you need them most! If they tell you they did not open that account or purchase that item, you have no choice but to believe them unless you want to end up losing them.

Hasn't this already stressed you out enough? Pleading with creditors, waiting for new cards in the mail, losing sleep worrying about whether the identity thief is not out there doing something even worse in your name -- aren't you tired of all that? Isn't all that enough? Why add the loss of your relationship to this list of life problems caused by identity theft?

This is easier said than done, but if you discipline yourselves and decide to overcome this thing together, you will get through it and come out the other end with a stronger partnership. After you sort out all the other pains that this crime brings to your neck, your relationship just might emerge stronger, even if your credit rating suffers for a while.

So don't get too paranoid. Draw a deep breath and remember that you love this person and trust them. You need each other's support more than ever, and this one aspect of the nightmare is one that you can control to some extent.
PS -- an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Try this protection product for free.

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